Saturday, September 24, 2011


You never know what you have until you lose it, and once you lose it, you can never get it back. 學會珍惜現在的一切. 分享徐佳瑩, 失落沙洲 和身騎白馬.

change is necessary for growth in life; it is a fact of life.  




好聽的歌會喚起美好的記憶 (Memory), 發現Memory是會說話的.
推建蘇打綠-無與倫比的美麗, 和五月天的突然好想你.

Friday, September 23, 2011

鎧謙的童言童語 (Kid-ding-庇股在吹喇叭)

今天送鎧謙上學, (drop off) 教室前發現停車旁邊人行道路面上(side walk) 畫了很多 chalk art (made by the children), 正在enjoy kids' artistic creations, 鎧謙突然冒出一句: 小朋友在這裡亂畫亂畫的. 本來要讚美一下, 可是聽到鎧謙在罵(小孩)人的口氣...,我只能改口說: 對呀, 是誰這裡亂畫亂畫的!就怕被他(大人)罵.
下課去接鎧謙, 好不容易到家門口,鎧謙卻一直不進門(要抱抱), 嘴裡唸著:我來不及了,來不及了, 我心裡想著來不及了門都還没開呢,可別大出來...,開了門攔著鎧謙就往廁所衝衝衝衝, 一放下鎧謙就聼到booh-booh-booh的聲音, 連環三響炮(庇),鎧謙卻得意的看著我說: 是庇股在吹喇叭啦, 不是我!!.我說什麼?@##@!@誰在吹喇叭??鎧謙很確定的大聲說: 是庇股啦,不是我!  (笑到昏倒....庇股吹喇叭, 第一次聴到, 真的是...天才).不管再難過生氣,鎧謙總是有辦法逗我開心, 他是(我)唯一的唯一.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

鎧謙的畫和他的世界 (Drawings made by a 3 years old)


1. 小朋友跟挖土機,割草機 (in green)
2. 爸爸, 媽媽 (orange eyes), 姊姊, 和鎧謙
3. 怪物的truck
4. 怪物 (魔界的咕嚕, Smeagul from the Lord of the Rings)
5. 小人
6. 挖土機 
7. 鳳梨酥 (in red),怪物 和 bus
8. (高架)橋和 truck, 還有ABC....
9. 怪物的挖土機

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

無眠 (Insomnia)

小朋友在生病期間,體會到生命的脆弱 (fragile)和無助(helpless). 也體會身體健康的重要. 有了自己的小孩也體驗到當媽的不容易, 這些天常常無眠只希望小朋友快快好. 想想自己的媽媽也常常無眠, 無日的照顧我們長大. 長大的我卻也常常誏她擔心,念念到無眠. 自己的媽媽真的很偉大,她是最偉大的母親.她所有的一切都是為了小孩. 現在的我才體會到什麼才是真正的無眠----(無眠)是因為心裡有無敵的(母)愛.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Prof. Elliot W. Eisner: "What Do the Arts Teach?


最近在 買了一本電子書, 鎧謙自己沒事就打開玩, 這款電子書還可以插卡 (Vtech-V-Reader). 上學後, 對鎧謙語言學習上有幫助. 有reading和play game. 


當了媽, 過了40, 有個可愛的小孩, 生命力的延續最最感謝的是我的爸爸和媽媽 (for their continuing support and belief in me. They have helped me develop beyond their expectations outside the confines of socio-cultural norms while supporting my desire to pursue my academic intellectual curiosity.) 還有姊姊,妹妹,弟弟. 至少有你們的陪伴, 渡過人生的高潮和低潮.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

公主把王子還給她了 (Tim Burton's Corpse Bride) (下)

鎧謙喜歡看 Tim Burton's Corpse Bride for some reasons. Every time he watches it, he always asks different questions. there's a scene where Victoria and Victor are finally being together in the church. the corpse bride (Emily 公主) looks very sad saying good bye to Victor (王子). She returns the (wedding) ring to Victor (王子), realizing that she is not the ONE...  就在這一幕, 鎧謙很難過的問我: 公主(Emily)要去那裡? 我回答:她要走了. "為什麼!!" 鎧謙問? 我只能安慰的說: 公主要回家了. 那一刻, 鎧謙好像懂了,他有點難過的說: 公主把王子還給她了. 我好奇的問: 還給她(誰?) 鎧謙說:公主把王子還給她 (Victoria)--是歐吧嗓. 歐吧嗓是Victor's 之前的未婚妻, 不知為什鎧謙叫她歐吧嗓. As the Corpse Bride (Emily 公主) leaves the church, she turns one last time and throws her bouquet (捧花) to Victoria. 那一刻(灰黑的)捧花卻變成籃色(活起來)了. No bride is complete without her bouquet! Includes one bouquet of dead flowers. 命運決定公主and王子的一切 (人鬼疏途). At the end, the Corpse Bride (Emily 公主) turns into thousands of beautiful bluish butterflies (蝴蝶), flying away (she is set free),  昇(天)華了. 鎧謙哇了一下... 我也吆了一下... I know how he feels, i feel the same way, sigh..., 好(淒)美的結局, 有些事終就没有辦法勉強的. 三歲的鎧謙似乎看透人世間--問世間,情為何物?直教人,  生死相許--,但是, 世上終成眷屬多半比較少, 一廂情願好像比較多. Well, 原來結局是這樣: 最後王子還是別人的, 公主發現時一切皆是空. 分享一首歌曲: 可惜不是你.

魔鬼的房子-地下室 (Cemetery)

回家的路上去了郵局, 經過一大片墓園,本來不以為意繼續開著車, 誰知道鎧謙卻大聲說:嘿,你看是魔鬼的房子, 好多... "大的房子"(大的房子???我驚的瞄了一下, 眼前只見突起的大墓碑). 我小聲的回答是 (就怕有鬼聼見) ...鎧謙又說, 他們都住在地下室裡, 被關起來出不去了...好可隣喔. 我心裡想著, 原來(在鎧謙的眼裡)魔鬼都住在地下室. 不知是不是鬼片看太多了, 想著想著, 鎧謙居然說: Oh, My, God-de. (太神來一筆了吧!)

Monday, September 12, 2011

大便和它的家-馬桶 (Toilet)

一到家鎧謙急急忙忙的跑去廁所,大叫我要pooh-pooh (大便), 過一下,只看他嘴臉糾結一下, 喘了口氣說:大好了. 擦乾,沖水後,
鎧謙卻看著(馬桶)問說: 媽咪, 大便去那裡了?
我想了想,打發他說: 大便回家了.
我說對吔... 我怎麼從來沒想到過-馬桶原來是大便的家.

上帝和菩薩的家 (Church)

每天早上開車上學的路上總是會經過幾棟漂亮的教堂建築. 鎧謙就好奇的問, 媽咪:那尖尖的是什麼? 我喵了一下說, 喔那是教堂還有尖尖的是十字架,是上帝的家, 叫作CHURCH.
媽咪你看...是CHO-R-CHI, 是..上帝的菩薩的家, 還有劍劍.
我想哇噻, 反應比我快, 上帝和菩薩就住在同一屋簷下.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

愛逛(超市)的鎧謙 (Grocery Shopping)

鎧謙總是喜歡去買菜,因為那裡有玩不完的玩具. 他總是一行一行的逛起, 直到他滿足. 但奇怪的是他從不會吵著要買玩具回家, 玩完了自然擺回架上. 我總是催他好了沒? 他總是不耐煩的說, 還沒, 還有下一個. 他的眼和手沒停過.

鎧謙說,媽咪你看:小雞生蛋. 真的吔...

公主找到她的王子了 (Tim Burton's Corpse Bride) (上)

中秋節,阿琪和同學在台北家烤肉聚會. 小慧阿姨也忙著招待同學們. 阿嬤說有空記得幫她買粉餅和乳液 (for both face and neck)....

我和鎧謙吃完早餐,想看DVD. 本來以為鎧謙會不喜歡鬼片,沒有想太多就看了Tim Burton's Corpse Bride (movie on my list to watch), 鎧謙不但沒有害怕反而說你看 (half-skeletal bride) 是公主吔, ...好漂亮...(我驚了一下, a dead bride, 一身白紗從墓碑走出來追著Victor),

有時小孩子的世界是沒有一定的設限(boundary), 原來這才是故事的主要的theme: "公主回來了,且找到王子了."


Saturday, September 10, 2011


發現我的書有在India賣出吔. Indian Rupees $5,394 元 =US$116 (太貴了吧!)


這張復古的照片是從雅萍的Facebook download 下來的. 看到自己曾經是那樣年輕快樂...(有些許久了.希望能一直保有那份純真和透明的.(劉育均,謝依X,me,林雅萍在中國工商,建築科建六甲)  
作詞:方文山 作曲:黃韻玲 窗外風鈴 一直 不安靜 風在搖晃 不安 的宿命 我聆聽 你回憶經過 的聲音 開始旅行 寂寞 很清醒 我在靠近 過去 的邊境 有些 戀人只是 路過時的風景 曾經太過年輕 卻絕對真心 我給的愛始終任性 不懂花開只一次的愛情 曾經太過年輕 淚 純真透明 你的堅定 我仍然還相信 開始旅行 寂寞 很清醒 我在靠近 過去 的邊境
轉載來自 ※ 魔鏡歌詞網 有些 戀人只是 路過時的風景 曾經太過年輕 卻絕對真心 我給的愛始終任性 不懂花開只一次的愛情 曾經太過年輕 淚 純真透明 你的堅定 我仍然還相信 直到如今 你說愛我那封信 我一直都收藏著 折疊用心 讓誓言乾淨 曾經太過年輕 在人海飄零 那些關於我的事情 總有你緊緊跟隨的身影 曾經太過年輕 淚 純真透明 你的堅定 我仍然還相信

SONY Cybershot DSC-HX7V

最近系上買了新相機,試用一下發現很好拍.快門速度快了很多.我因為不用閃光燈,拍出來的照片通常不是模糊就是太暗偏黃,無法捕捉到真實感 (in motion). 尤其小朋友喜歡動來動去的,根本拍不到好的照片.這款相機太正了, 小巧功能又好, record the true picture. 建議買 SONY Cybershot DSC-HX7V.

鎧謙的城堡 (Kai-chen's Wonderland)

Alice in Wonderland 裡面有一個Red Queen,不知為什麼鎧謙總是叫她 la-tatte 公主. 小白兔和黑貓是他的最愛.獨裁的 la-tatte 住在華麗的城堡裡, 享受著一人之下,衆人之上的日子,最後la-tatte 被抓關起來了.
早上鎧謙迫不及待的拉著我的手說, "媽咪, come here, please." (說英文吔) 我好奇的問他什麼事? 他很開心的說:你看是公主的城堡.

Kai-chen's thinking is organized around the things in his life; he draws what he sees from images of popular media from TV, movies, books, and things which emerge from his life.

鎧謙的火車 (Polar Express)

最近在 買了幾部 (used) DVD. 其中一部是: The Polar Express.小鎧謙看完後就開始畫起火車,一邊畫一邊發出火車聲: shi-shi, bu-buuuuuu! (有煙,小人,engine, road rail, 和前燈吔).

值 得一看的電影: The Polar Express. 有時候不能太倚賴眼晴所看到,以為看到才是事實. 往往卻忽略了自己的信念(i believe)和想像力. Seeing is deceiving; indeed, dreaming is believing. 有信心和想像力的人才會勇於面對失敗,接受挑戰,迎接未來無限可能的人生(adventures).

我們的鄰居: Hi Ron 叔叔

住在斜後面的鄰居很 nice. 他的名字叫 Ron. 平時遇到他,我們都會說 Hi, Ron. How are you? 有一天鎧謙問起, 亥-RUN呢?
我摸不著邉問著他, 什麼是"亥-RUN"?
鎧謙有點生氣的說, 就是叔叔, "亥-RUN" 麼...
我笑著說喔是Ron 叔叔, 鎧謙堅持不是 "Ron 叔叔", 是 "Hi-RON" 叔叔.

Friday, September 9, 2011

My Daily News: 鎧謙的私人飛機 (Private Jet)

My Daily News: 鎧謙的私人飛機 (Private Jet): 鎧謙畫了一架飛機要載媽咪,然後唸著唸著...阿公坐這裡,然後接著阿嬤,阿琪,小慧阿姨,阿倫,珮珮,還有,......閃電坐後面. (閃電是阿琪從不帶出門的狗, 我想還是鎧謙懂閃電, 不忘帶他出去兜兜風)

鎧謙的私人飛機 (Private Jet)

鎧謙畫了一架飛機要載媽咪,然後唸著唸著...阿公坐這裡,然後接著阿嬤,阿琪,小慧阿姨,阿倫,珮珮,還有,......閃電坐後面. (閃電是阿琪從不帶出門的狗, 我想還是鎧謙懂閃電, 不忘帶他出去兜兜風)

3歲的鎧謙: 他的小人和挖土機

我在另一本書中(Introduction to Integrating Music, Art, and Theater in Elementary Education) 寫到小孩和他們的畫透露出成長階段及發展過程. 鎧謙的認知發展有比一般小孩成熟 (Artistically). 鼓勵小孩多方面接觸 (exploration), 提供參考:
Children at this stage already evince emotional development, giving thoughts and feelings to inanimate objects and challenging their perception and memory. Their motor skills are more mature, and they are able to draw lines and angles. The coordination of hand and eye movements are increasingly challenged, enhancing skills in formal rendering of recognizable objects. Drawings tend to evince demands made on controlling markings. Children sometimes name objects based on their preferences. (based on Viktor Lowenfeld children's 6 stages of artistic development from Creative and Mental Growth).


我好奇的問, 在幹麻?...  
....在散步, 我才遲遲想起這一暮色....他和他爸爸的背影. oh, 原來他都記得. Amazing!!

Kids' Shoes

Crocs Boot From

Winter is coming, i am thinking to get a pair of boots for Alex. Crocs has a good selection of kids' shoes. they are so cute, and available in many different colors.
Winter is blistering in GR, Michigan. So we need to be prepared for it, things got to have, mitts, boots, scarf, winter coat to keep you warm from the blistering weather.

My Research on Manga

From Artmaking to Identity Making (available at

This study examines the identity construction of five manga fans by exploring their creation of comics and their cosplay. Certain identity themes emerged through a Lacanian interpretation using a qualitative/interpretivist paradigm, and semi-structured, in-depth interviews with participants, including their cosplay photos as well as their manga drawings and stories. Specifically, Lacan's concepts of the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real were used to interpret these participants' identities. The study showed not only that identity is not always determined by the Symbolic (conscious act), but also that it is governed by unconscious desire and fantasy (of the Real). While unconscious desire (Real) continues to break the fixibility of identity, the Symbolic remains an oppressed ruling Other that determines which identity is positive and which negative. The Imaginary is a most important outlet in terms of identity building for the subject, the freedom to make changes, and the power to heal one's fixity against change (provide hope) in light of the Other's gaze.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

可愛的鎧謙和愛花的阿嬤 (回台灣前)


 鎧謙時常問起... "我的阿嬤昵?" 有時會跑到阿嬤以前睡的房間找, 口中唸著..."我的阿嬤在那裡?" 看不到人就對著牆上面阿公的畫像, 一直親他的嘴, 還發出怪聲..., 我想起了他和他阿公很有趣的一午覺.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

When we arrived at the mall, it's about closing. Alex's just having fun on a plane ride.

hsiao-hui a-yi, pei-pei-and a-run

有時 鎧謙會唸起阿倫,珮珮,小慧阿姨, 冠亨哥哥和妏妡姊姊. 昨天他畫了小慧阿姨,阿倫, and 珮珮. (好像少了什麼..., 他們好像都没有手吔!)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My two book projects

The two books just published:
From Artmaking to Identity Making and
Co-author of the book, Introduction to Integrating Music, Art, and Theater in Elementary Education.

The Prayer

I especially like this song.
The Prayer performed by the two of the most glory voices-
Celien Dion, and Andrea Bocelli.

Dion and Bocelli

Josh Groban is also very talented.
Groban and Dion