當了媽, 過了40, 有個可愛的小孩, 生命力的延續最最感謝的是我的爸爸和媽媽 (for their continuing support and belief in me. They have helped me develop beyond their expectations outside the confines of socio-cultural norms while supporting my desire to pursue my academic intellectual curiosity.) 還有姊姊,妹妹,弟弟. 至少有你們的陪伴, 渡過人生的高潮和低潮.
鎧謙喜歡看 Tim Burton's Corpse Bride for some reasons. Every time he watches it, he always asks different questions. there's a scene where Victoria and Victor are finally being together in the church. the corpse bride (Emily 公主) looks very sad saying good bye to Victor (王子). She returns the (wedding) ring to Victor (王子), realizing that she is not the ONE... 就在這一幕, 鎧謙很難過的問我: 公主(Emily)要去那裡? 我回答:她要走了. "為什麼!!" 鎧謙問? 我只能安慰的說: 公主要回家了. 那一刻, 鎧謙好像懂了,他有點難過的說: 公主把王子還給她了. 我好奇的問: 還給她(誰?) 鎧謙說:公主把王子還給她 (Victoria)--是歐吧嗓. 歐吧嗓是Victor's 之前的未婚妻, 不知為什鎧謙叫她歐吧嗓. As the Corpse Bride (Emily 公主) leaves the church, she turns one last time and throws her bouquet (捧花) to Victoria. 那一刻(灰黑的)捧花卻變成籃色(活起來)了. No bride is complete without her bouquet! Includes one bouquet of dead flowers. 命運決定公主and王子的一切 (人鬼疏途). At the end, the Corpse Bride (Emily 公主) turns into thousands of beautiful bluish butterflies (蝴蝶), flying away (she is set free), 昇(天)華了. 鎧謙哇了一下... 我也吆了一下... I know how he feels, i feel the same way, sigh..., 好(淒)美的結局, 有些事終就没有辦法勉強的. 三歲的鎧謙似乎看透人世間--問世間,情為何物?直教人, 生死相許--,但是, 世上終成眷屬多半比較少, 一廂情願好像比較多. Well, 原來結局是這樣: 最後王子還是別人的, 公主發現時一切皆是空. 分享一首歌曲: 可惜不是你.
中秋節,阿琪和同學在台北家烤肉聚會. 小慧阿姨也忙著招待同學們. 阿嬤說有空記得幫她買粉餅和乳液 (for both face and neck)....
我和鎧謙吃完早餐,想看DVD. 本來以為鎧謙會不喜歡鬼片,沒有想太多就看了Tim Burton's Corpse Bride (movie on my list to watch), 鎧謙不但沒有害怕反而說你看 (half-skeletal bride) 是公主吔, ...好漂亮...(我驚了一下, a dead bride, 一身白紗從墓碑走出來追著Victor),
最近系上買了新相機,試用一下發現很好拍.快門速度快了很多.我因為不用閃光燈,拍出來的照片通常不是模糊就是太暗偏黃,無法捕捉到真實感 (in motion). 尤其小朋友喜歡動來動去的,根本拍不到好的照片.這款相機太正了, 小巧功能又好, record the true picture. 建議買 SONY Cybershot DSC-HX7V.
Alice in Wonderland 裡面有一個Red Queen,不知為什麼鎧謙總是叫她 la-tatte 公主. 小白兔和黑貓是他的最愛.獨裁的 la-tatte 住在華麗的城堡裡, 享受著一人之下,衆人之上的日子,最後la-tatte 被抓關起來了.
早上鎧謙迫不及待的拉著我的手說, "媽咪, come here, please." (說英文吔) 我好奇的問他什麼事? 他很開心的說:你看是公主的城堡.
Kai-chen's thinking is organized around the things in his life; he draws what he sees from images of popular media from TV, movies, books, and things which emerge from his life.
我在另一本書中(Introduction to Integrating Music, Art, and Theater in Elementary Education) 寫到小孩和他們的畫透露出成長階段及發展過程. 鎧謙的認知發展有比一般小孩成熟 (Artistically). 鼓勵小孩多方面接觸 (exploration), 提供參考:
Children at this stage already evince emotional development, giving thoughts and feelings to inanimate objects and challenging their perception and memory. Their motor skills are more mature, and they are able to draw lines and angles. The coordination of hand and eye movements are increasingly challenged, enhancing skills in formal rendering of recognizable objects. Drawings tend to evince demands made on controlling markings. Children sometimes name objects based on their preferences. (based on Viktor Lowenfeld children's 6 stages of artistic development from Creative and Mental Growth).
Winter is coming, i am thinking to get a pair of boots for Alex. Crocs has a good selection of kids' shoes. they are so cute, and available in many different colors.
Winter is blistering in GR, Michigan. So we need to be prepared for it, things got to have, mitts, boots, scarf, winter coat to keep you warm from the blistering weather.
This study examines the identity construction of five manga fans by exploring their creation of comics and their cosplay. Certain identity themes emerged through a Lacanian interpretation using a qualitative/interpretivist paradigm, and semi-structured, in-depth interviews with participants, including their cosplay photos as well as their manga drawings and stories. Specifically, Lacan's concepts of the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real were used to interpret these participants' identities. The study showed not only that identity is not always determined by the Symbolic (conscious act), but also that it is governed by unconscious desire and fantasy (of the Real). While unconscious desire (Real) continues to break the fixibility of identity, the Symbolic remains an oppressed ruling Other that determines which identity is positive and which negative. The Imaginary is a most important outlet in terms of identity building for the subject, the freedom to make changes, and the power to heal one's fixity against change (provide hope) in light of the Other's gaze.